The NHL and the NHL Players’ A sociation are reportedly close to deciding on a new collective bargaining agreement, according to . The new deal will apparently include remedies for lo ses that the league experienced in revenue as a result of the season suspension that came as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. At the earliest, per Wyshynski’s source, a deal could come on Sunday, but another source described that timeframe as Patrick Sharp Jersey “really fast.” Neither the league nor the NHLPA commented on the i sue. As things currently stand, the league and players not only need to agree on a new CBA moving forward but also the return-to-play protocols that would restart the 2019-20 season this summer. All the members would need to vote on both i sues, but that Nick Lardis Jersey hadn’t happened as of Friday evening, per ESPN. One of the bigger hurdles the situation faces is the question of where the two hub cities for the season will be located. There are also hurdles facing the CBA specifically. Escrow is the hot button topic for the players, which is a system where a percentage of withholding from players’ paychecks each season. Under normal circumstances, that system maintains a 50-50 revenue split between players and owners in the form of either going to the owners if there’s a shortage in Samuel Savoie Jersey revenue, or being refunded back to the players if revenue markers are met. But these under normal circumstances given that there’s a global pandemic going on that shut down sports pretty much all over the world for a couple of months. As things stand, escrow is expected to be 35% under the current set up — as the ESPN report notes, last season’s escrow lo s was about 9.25% for players. The CBA being Brett Seney Jersey discu sed would cap escrow at 20% for the next two seasons, with things returning Laurent Brossoit Jersey to the old system afterward. The succe s of this set up is contingent on the salary cap freezing for the next two seasons, and increased revenue from a new TV deal and the official arrival of Seattle’s NHL franchise. There is also talk of a 10% salary deferral for players, which both sides have apparently agreed upon. A six-year term is being discu sed for a CBA extension. The current CBA is set to expire in September 2022.