It’s tough to beat and when they Deron Thompson Jersey share the ice in 3-on-3 overtime because they’re incredibly talented offensive playmakers for the . However, Edmonton’s opponents do themselves a big favor if they refuse to allow those two guys to touch the puck. And that brings us to the ‘ overtime strategy on Sunday night. After taking control of the puck off the opening faceoff, Anaheim sent the puck back toward their net and set up po se sion in their own zone. That’s exactly where they stayed for nearly Devin Larsen Jersey a minute and a half as they waited for McDavid and Draisaitl to tire themselves out while shadowing their a signments. Although McDavid and Draisatl never actually came off the ice, the Ducks eventually felt good enough about how much ice time they made the Oilers’ Colt Atkinson Jersey stars waste. After making a change themselves, Anaheim saw and opening and finally attacked. They scored almost immediately. The game-winning goal — scored by — wasn’t a pretty one, but it counted. The Ducks’ strategy didn’t leave to Eddie George Jersey the thrilling brand of 3-on-3 that hockey fans have come to love, but it was effective. McDavid and Draisaitl never po se sed the puck in overtime. Understandably, this time wasting keep-away strategy left the Oilers and their fans extremely annoyed, but it was an excellent (and pretty smart) piece of trolling by the Ducks. The extra ice in OT affords teams the opportunity to be able to toy with opponents in this fashion, so it’ll be interesting to see whether this becomes more of Iman Marshall Jersey a trend against top-heavy teams like Edmonton. It’ll also be interesting to see if the NHL does anything to help di suade teams from utilizing the infuriating tactic.